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explorer supaseat
explorer supaseat
explorer supaseat
explorer supaseat

Explorer Supaseat

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Product Code: 2110

Price: £72.00 (£60.00 ex VAT)
73.16 USD, 71.12 EUR, 536.37 CNY, 11,395.08 JPY

This light seat stick has a 'butterfly style' seat and handy grips for carrying and getting up having been seated. Walking height 84-102cm; seat height 65-82cm. This shooting stick is fitted with a spiked plate for use on soft ground. The Explorer Supaseat is guaranteed to hold up to 125kg (19 1/2 stone) in weight).

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Any questions? Call Sara or Paul on 01494 775577 (if not from UK please call 0044 1494 775577) Mon-Fri 9.30 a.m. to 5.00p.m.


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Explorer Supaseat


Explorer Supaseat

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